Celebrate the Holidays with Mikey Wax and Smule
<a href=“http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/embed/XZfgWcVeE9casPw9Gip” data-mce-href=“http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/embed/XZfgWcVeE9casPw9Gip”>Fill out form.</a>
It’s that time of the year again… time to celebrate the Holiday cheer!
Mikey Wax and Smule wants to see YOUR holiday photos!
How do you celebrate the holidays? With family, dressed up as santa, in grandma’s Christmas sweater your mom makes you wear every year? Whatever it is. Take a photo of yourself and something that makes you think of the Holidays.
We are creating a video based on YOU and the way you celebrate the holidays! To kick off this exciting video, Mikey Wax is releasing "And A Happy New Year,“ and you get to be featured in his music video! The deadline to submit your photo is 11:59PM on December 1st.
To join us our project, you can either:
1) Upload your photo in the form above!
2) Email us at Smuleholiday@smule.com
3) Upload ot Instagram/Twitter and #SmuleHoliday
Also come sing Mikey Wax’s AWESOME new release, "Bottle of Jack” in the link below! 🙂