Tuesday Tip: Phone Placement
Tuesday Tip: Phone Placement
Tuesday Tips is part of our Smule Inspire program. Through shared performances, tips, guest blog posts by veteran users, we hope that Smule Inspire will do just as its name implies: inspire all users in the community – to connect, collaborate, and create music together … ultimately to have the best experience possible on Smule.
Ah- the question of the year. How the heck do I place my phone so my phone doesn’t flop over? What are the best ways to lock my phone in a place where I don’t have to hold it? Our Smule Inspire Team has some answers!
“I use a mic stand with an adjustable phone holder. It’s great! I used to tape my phone to my computer monitor with scotch tape because the monitor screen gives off really nice lighting.” –Sarah_TV
“Here are two options I use: pen holder or roll of tape with something behind it to prop up the phone (tea can in this pic)” –jessecube
“I know some users who have used tape rollers, fruit bowls, you name it, using whatever in reach to prop up their phone. A very easy makeshift stand would be mug/cup that is big enough to fit your phone and small cloth or clean sock to keep it snug. 😊🎬
Warning: this method may result in broken dishware so watch out! Hahah” –AlneVillegas
If you have a question you’d like to ask or even a topic you’d like to learn more about, please fill out the form on the Smule Inspire page!