
HomeSearch in Profile is here!

Search in Profile is here!

Tired of scrolling through countless performances to find a specific recording? We have a solution for you! We’re happy to announce you can now search within your profile. Finding your favorite performances is just a few simple taps away. 

We’ve introduced a search icon in the ‘Channels’ tab, which allows you to more efficiently navigate through your performances, eliminating endless scrolling. You can search your recordings using various criteria, including usernames, song titles, hashtags, symbols and keywords in the performance description. These options give you more flexibility and potential to find the recording you’re looking for. Recent search suggestions will also appear when tapping on the search bar, streamlining the search process by offering quick access to previous queries. For Smule VIP users, the feature also allows you to pin or unpin recordings directly from your search results, providing a convenient, one-stop solution for organizing and prioritizing performances.

This new functionality will unlock a fresh approach to navigating your profile and performances, and contribute to a better, more user-friendly experience. Whether it’s finding specific performances or managing your content, this feature puts the control in your hands. Give it a try, and get ready to navigate through your Smule content in a whole new way! 

Have questions or want to share your thoughts? Feel free to reach out to our dedicated Support team at Thank you for being part of the Smule community!