Topics Live In AutoRap
Topics Live In AutoRap
The best way to be heard is to rap about something that matters. That’s the philosophy driving the design of the new ‘Topics’ feature in AutoRap.
We wanted to give users a better way to sort through all the new performances created every day. You can now tag your newly created Rap mode performances with a #Topic, to make it more easily accessible to the community. #Topics automatically sort your performance alongside others with the same subject matter. For example, if you create a funny rap, you might want to tag it #LOL.
Users who are looking for specific performances to listen to and battle can browse popular topics using the revamped ‘What’s Hot’ screen. Pick a topic you care about, scroll through the recent performances, find an artist you like, and battle your heart out.
We’ll rotate topics every week based on community feedback, so stay tuned!