Tuesday Tips: Meet Ups
Tuesday Tips is part of our Smule Inspire program. Through shared performances, tips, guest blog posts by veteran users, we hope that Smule Inspire will do just as its name implies: inspire all users in the community – to connect, collaborate, and create music together … ultimately to have the best experience possible on Smule.
Q: How do I throw a successful meet up
“Well most importantly lots of snacks!!!
Haha just kidding…. Kinda 😋 I think key is location and making sure the location has good and economical transport in and out.” –Sarah_TV
“Constant communication is key and always be open to unexpected changes leading up to the meet up. Once the first meet up is a success then the comfort level can continue to grow for future meet ups.” – xGotti
“I agree with Sarah, location, location, location! Make it clear on directions and where you’re meeting, stay in communication, create a chat, get people hyped!” – JeffreyAKG_TV
“Hehe! Depending on how big the meetup will be and how long, make sure you have good help who will actually do the footwork and follow up.
Pick a central location and time of year that most people can attend.
Plan way ahead of time, so if people need to request time off and make travel plans, they have enough time to allot for that. Try to keep everyone in close proximity of one another as far as lodging, and have events/venues planned and setup for each day/night. If it’s a public meet up, make sure to have good advertising and spread the word, either through Singtopia or Smule blog.
Most importantly, Give Smule enough time to send shirts.😬” – Ailina_
“I think the relationships you build w/ people before the meet up is the most important part of a meet up. Learning and growing w/ people to the point of feeling as if you want to meet them is an amazing feeling. As far as the rest I think these guys have summed it up pretty well.” – xYego
“Successful meet up Requirements:
-Create a group chat/Facebook group with the people you are planning to meet.
-Pick a date that majority of the group can agree on (preferably months in adavance)
-Find a location that is convenient for you and other and agree on that location.
-make sure that location is FUN
-if you are going to a place that involves making purchases, let the group know what what they would need to bring monetarily
-Use chat or group frequently enough to get to know each other and make each other feel comfortable about the meet up, BOND!
– Contact smule ( Victoria) for shirts lol
-Again keep your meet up chat or group active so that people won’t forget to keep the meetup on their calendars especially as the date approaches
-MAJOR KEY have FUN and Respect each other and be safe!” –WordChris
“The only thing I would add to this is plan a shaving cream war. 😉” –Hoonhans_DavidK
If you have a question you’d like to ask or even a topic you’d like to learn more about, please fill out the form on the Smule Inspire page!