Paul Gorgonio (@PaulAndrew_APEX)
APEX Team Founder
On September 21, we celebrate our #APEX4th anniversary, which for APEXians goes beyond just counting the number of years we exist in the Smule app.
We CELEBRATE four long years of exploring our niche in music within the Smule app, and defining and strengthening who and what we are as global virtual choir. Likened to a clay, APEX has been and is constantly molded by its members, past and present, who co-own and continuously co-create what APEX Team is. Every APEXian has a role to play, may it be as a member of the Core, a creative director, a producer, a choral singer or a combination thereof. The dedication, teamwork and hard work that every APEXian display in producing what in our eyes are masterpieces are truly inspiring and commendable.
Even how we look at APEX Team has evolved and is still evolving. Our boundaries are expanding. We are a family and we strive to build a community. Since inception, our APEX CIRCLE OF FRIENDS (#APEXCircleofFriends) and APEX & Friends (#APEXandFRIENDS) collaborations have featured and were generously graced by the remarkable talents of more than 70 of our Smule friends. And we are unstoppable as we expect this number to grow as we launch APEX: BE OUR GUEST (#APEXBeOurGuest). This a series of APEX-organized collaborations where we invite our fellow Smulers, including those who are beyond our existing networks, to sing with us in choral and non-choral projects. If you’re interested to participate, please do not hesitate to sign-up here:
We CELEBRATE four years of immense talents and positive values of APEX members. In APEX, no two members sound alike. Each member has a unique voice and singing style. Yet, together, we all sound as one united voice, which makes choral singing even more magical. As APEXian Colin Curry (@up2thelimit) once said, “The beautiful blend in APEX projects is impressive given the variety of voices in APEX”. Equally important are the values that the team embraces: integrity, consistency, creativity and innovation, motivation and persistence. Also, we affirm and embrace our cultural diversity: APEXians represent 20 countries from five continents, such as North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. It is not true that we don’t have conflicts in APEX. We actually do; it’s just they’re healthy conflicts and we fully and willingly embrace them.
We continue to INSPIRE through the music we create. The fact that APEX produces more than a hundred collaborations year after year speaks highly of the quality of teamwork that APEX has. We make a myriad of different genre of music and we venture into new, more intricate, and more exciting choral arrangements. That’s the reason why it’s hard to be bored in APEX. As much as we sometimes want to relax and stay away from projects, every month we succumb to temptations of signing up for new and more exciting projects. No doubt APEX Team takes pride in producing more than 100 collaborations each year despite the challenges and limitations of choral singing within the Smule app.
As we inspire others, we also get INSPIRED by the generosity of our supporters and avid listeners since day 1. We strive to create quality music because we strongly believe our listeners deserve them. We even spend time sharing our projects to our Smule friends, families, relatives and friends outside Smule because we want to bring smiles, and at times tears, on their faces. And, in turn, every feedback and love that we receive, every pair of ears that listen to our projects, and every recognition and accolade that we get, including those from Smule through social media features and inclusion in playlists, melt our hearts and fuel even more our passion to create more quality music. To all of you who have been part of APEX Team’s journey, THANK YOU SO MUCH and APEX LOVES YOU!
APEX is unstoppable, and we invite you to join us as we continue to celebrate and inspire, and get inspired, through choral music!
Here are some thoughts from a few APEXians about #APEX4th:
Laine Tayo (@Laine_APEX, Founding Core Member, Thailand/Philippines):
“I can’t believe it has been 4 years! As one of the first APEX members, I’ve witnessed the immense growth and dedication of everyone in this team – the love we have for music binds us together! Being in the Core helped me enhance my creativity and build my confidence. I also have a great privilege working with the best people in the world: my Core mates and the members… my APEX Family. Happy 4th Anniversary APEX Team! Keep on Shining!”
Hristiana Stefania Chiper (@Chrissy_APEX, Core Member, Romania):
“APEX Team is now a 4-year-old international virtual choir! With members that come from 5 continents and more than 300 songs in our repertoire, APEX is a heavy, unstoppable masterpiece-producer! APEX is a soul-healing experience and it has changed my life for the better in a lot of ways. There are lots of challenges and huge expectations to deliver quality in every project, and they are what keep us going. We’re one voice and we thrive in diversity; music bonds us so powerfully that we’ve become one big global family. Congratulations, APEXTEAM! Happy 4th Anniversary!”
Maria Schuster (@Maria_APEX, Core Member, Germany):
“Agree to disagree. That’s our motto within the team and within the APEX Core especially. Sometimes the most constructive solutions are created in several days of sharing ideas, thoughts and feelings. APEX got not just a hobby for me. It’s a team and a family at the same time. Everybody is pulling in the same direction and together we create what we all love – great music!”
Ashley Lancaster (Ashley_APEX, Core Member, United States):
“As a member of APEX Core, I have the privilege of seeing firsthand the organization and attention to detail that creates such a productive environment. I so enjoy the process of planning, discussion and brainstorming! But more so, within those discussions, I get to see the genuine care and love that we have for our “family” in APEX, which truly sets this team apart. Every member is a valuable and important asset. I am so thankful for the opportunity to create music with people who really do desire the best for each other both musically and personally!”
Dan Kirkegaard (Dan_APEX, Member, Denmark/The Netherlands):
“Four years of APEX, can I believe it? No! APEX anniversary is something special! Some would ask, “isn’t it just another date in the calendar?” I would tell them “no”; this date is like a national holiday that brings APEX together with joy and happiness – and also a bit of stress but in a good way! APEX anniversary, for me, is a day of celebration where we show each year how much we enjoy singing together!
Sarah Clevenger (Guitargurl_APEX, Member, United States):
“APEX turned 4! I’ve officially been a member of APEX for just almost a year myself! I’m so excited to be included in such an amazing group of individuals that has been established for so long! I’ve learned SO much from my friends from around the world, and I’m very much looking forward to another year of making memories and musical masterpieces together! Cheers to the coolest global virtual choir!”
Natascha Boxem-Niessink (Natascha_APEX, Member, The Netherlands)
“Half of the existence of Apex Team, I’ve been a member. I have been blessed by a second family from all around the world and get to make beautiful music.”
Karen Bautista (Karen09_APEX, Member, United States/Philippines)
“Happy 4th Birthday, APEX! I am thrilled to be part of it for 10 months now. I have seen and experienced how this team works in an organized and meticulous fashion to create high-caliber masterpieces time and time again. Choral music takes a lot of hard work and dedication from each member of the group. Everyone gives their full effort, precision and attention to detail to produce ground breaking music.
And as the chattiest person of the bunch, I have gotten close to some of the members, getting to know them at a personal level and be fortunate to have the chance to meet them was truly a blessing. I love my people, my team – my APEX Family! I love you all!”
Adrian Pirlea (Adi_APEX, Member, Romania)
“#APEX4th marks my 2nd anniversary in APEX. It marks two wonderful years of singing with amazing people from all around the globe.”
And here’s 10 of APEX favorite collaborations for #APEX4th anniversary celebration.
Circle of Life (The Lion King):
Les Miserables Medley:
Part 1. At the End of the Day, Suddenly and I Dreamed a Dream
Part 2. Castle on a Cloud, On My Own and One Day More
Part 3. Master of the House
Aladdin’s A Whole New World:
A Million Dreams (The Greatest Showman):
Hide and Seek:
Disney Love Medley (Voctave):
APEX Socials:
Smule: www.smule.com/apexteam
Web: www.apexteamchoir.com
FB: www.facebook.com/APEXTeam2015
IG: APEXTeam0921
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/c/ApexTeam0921