Find Undiscovered Talent in the Smule Network
Find Undiscovered Talent in the Smule Network
Your first day of high school. Your first lunch at summer camp. Your first time visiting a foreign country. When I started working as a product manager at Smule two months ago, I felt the emotions that all of us have felt at times like these – uncertainty and nervousness, the thrill and anxiety of being somewhere completely new. Will anyone like me? Who will my friends be? How can I prove that I belong among all these super-talented people?
What if, in the worst possible scenario, no one even notices me?
We all get nervous when we try something new, when we thrust ourselves into the unknown, into the company of strangers. And these feelings aren’t just limited to the physical world. I would bet that a lot of people who try our apps for the first time – especially Sing! – feel some of the same butterflies.
But Smule isn’t just about singing or playing piano or even about music – it’s about people. It’s about connection.
A few weeks ago, one of our senior engineers, Chris, suggested something to me: a chart of “undiscovered” performances, of songs that hadn’t gotten much attention by talented users who had only a few social connections in our apps, if any at all.
We hope the Undiscovered Talent list helps you find and connect with more of the incredible members of our community – and maybe you’ll even find yourself on it!
As always, let us know what you think. We hope you like it!