
ProductiOS Testing of Potential Updated Feed Player

iOS Testing of Potential Updated Feed Player

Dear Smule Community,

We’re thrilled to announce that we’re testing an Updated Feed Player, with the goal of enhancing your experience, discovery, and personalized recommendations. For now, the testing phase will include a percentage of iOS users.

The Updated Feed Player is designed to transform how you explore and enjoy performances, with the introduction of two dynamic tabs: ‘For You’ and ‘Following’.

What’s New:

  • The ‘For You’ tab: Discover personalized recommendations based on your musical tastes and activity.
  • The ‘Following’ tab: Stay updated with the latest performances from the people you follow.
  • Enjoy a more intuitive design for engagement. 
  • Explore a more immersive experience for video recordings.

We’re testing this new format to make it easier and more fun for you to connect with and enjoy the performances you love. We will keep you updated on our decision to roll it out. As with any feature or beta testing, there may be noticeably different changes or enhancements during this phase.

As always, if you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts with us, please reach out to