Smule and DreamWorks Animation Bring You #TrollsBandTogether!
Dear Smule community,
We are thrilled to announce our latest collaboration: Smule is teaming up with DreamWorks Animation to launch the #TrollsBandTogether campaign, a celebration of the release of the new chapter in DreamWorks Animation’s blockbuster musical franchise: ‘Trolls Band Together’.
Picture this: A joy-bomb bursting with colors, new tunes, and energy – that’s the spirit of the Trolls universe, and it’s coming to life right here on Smule.
Running from October 19 to November 17, #TrollsBandTogether invites you to be a part of the Trolls world like never before.
Trolls Band Together: The Musical Experience on Smule
As music lovers, you know all about the power of music to connect people, #TrollsBandTogether will take it to a whole new level.
It features three new songs from the film, including the highly anticipated *NSYNC song ‘Better Place.’
Get ready to hop on a band-tastic musical adventure that will leave you singing and waving your hair in the air like you don’t care!
But that’s not all…
The Prize
Create cherished memories and witness the joy of Trolls in a truly personal setting. The highlight of #TrollsBandTogether on Smule is the exclusive private screening you now have the chance of winning.
One lucky winner, along with 24 of their closest friends and relatives, will enjoy a unique private screening of ‘Trolls Band Together.’
Ready for some non-stop pop?
How to Join #TrollsBandTogether
Participating in #TrollsBandTogether is easy, fun, and rewarding.
Here’s how:
- Sing Along to Trolls Band Together Songs: Choose your favorite song from trolls and let your inner Troll shine.
- Record Your Performance: Record your performance of any of the songs from ‘Trolls Band Together’ on Smule. Use our fantastic audio effects to enhance your performance and make it truly unique.
- Add #TrollsBandTogether: Don’t forget to add the hashtag #TrollsBandTogether to your performance. It’s the secret ingredient that keeps the troll-tastic party going! Plus, it will ensure that your contribution is recognized and shared with the Smule community.
- Share and Connect: Share your performance on Smule and your social media channels to inspire others to join in on the fun.
And there’s more…
Special Features
Trolls have undertaken Smule! They will be everywhere until November, 17th:
- Your Pitchbar:
Yes, you’ve heard it here first – Trolls are now on your pitchbar. - Lyric Animations:
There will be a special lyric animation style to make your performance even more troll-tastic! - Visual FX
Join us on Smule starting today until November, 17th, and let’s create a troll-tastic symphony together!
Tap here to read the #TrollsBandTogether Contest Terms.
The Smule Team