Smule Spotlight: _Keithx
My name is Keith. Im from the Philippines, but I live in Nebraska. I love art a lot. I draw, I paint, I take pictures, I sing, play instruments and anything thats related to art.. I love Sing! so much, it became a training ground for me when it comes to singing, I learned a lot of vocal techniques with singers around the world, showed me a lot of things I never thought I could do. Then eventually it became a part of my lifestyle, and now I couldn’t live without it 🙂
What makes you excited to Sing?
Whenever I make OCs I’m always so excited to listen to people who joined me, because thats how I usually discover talented people. Then I follow them and join their OCs 😻 So basically, stalking singers at Sing! excites me lol 🙈
Who influences you the most?
Here on Sing, the people who inspires me a lot are @AlneVillegas @pinoytonality @_Sarahx and @geliklardi
But the person who inspires me the most is Nicki Minaj. I know y’all think of her as this rapper who cusses and twerks a lot. But I see her differently, she is so much more than that. Ive been a fan since 09′ (shotout to the Barbz) and she always tells her fans to never give up and keep dreaming. that’s something i’ve been holding onto. And not all musicians are like that.
Share a personal fact no one would ever guess about you.
I laugh easily and for very little !! hihi
Can you share one quote or saying you love, that keeps you going in life?
In the instinct is the only truth
If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Of course Corsican dishes