
CommunitySN Genre Challenge: Soul

SN Genre Challenge: Soul

SN Genre Challenge: Soul

Kabar gembira bagi seluruh pengguna Smule di Indonesia! SmuleNesians Community menyelenggarakan event / challenge mingguan bernama: SN Genre Challenge! Anda memiliki kesempatan difitur di Playlist SN Genre Challenge di halaman “Explore / Jelajah” setiap minggu dan didengarkan oleh jutaan pengguna Smule di seluruh Indonesia! Ayo ikutan challenge-nya!

Cara ikut serta:
1. Nyanyikan lagu-lagu dari genre SOUL (solo/duet/group). Anda juga bisa join undangan lagu yang tersedia di akun Smule @SNSoul.
2. Tulis hashtag #SNSoulChallenge di deskripsi rekaman tersebut, paling lambat Minggu, 16 Juni 2019.
3. Rekaman-rekaman terbaik akan difitur di Playlist SN Genre Challenge minggu depan!

Good luck!


Great news for all Smule users in Indonesia! SmuleNesians Community organizes weekly events / challenges named: SN Genre Challenge! You have the chance to be featured on the weekly SN Genre Challenge Playlist on the “Explore” screen and heard by millions of Smule users throughout Indonesia! Let’s join the challenge!

How to participate:
1. Sing your favorite SOUL songs (solo/duet/group). You can also join song invitations on @SNSoul Smule account.
2. Put #SNSoulChallenge hashtag on your performance description, no later than Sunday, June 16, 2019.
3. Best recordings will be picked and featured on next week’s SN Genre Playlist!

Good luck!