3rd Anniversary – Smule Anatolians
Smule Anatolians is a Turkish group which is founded in May 2014. They came together to unite the best Turkish performers and find new partners to sing in their native language. Beside being the first Turkish group, Smule Anatolians has a lot of milestones making them unique and the only in Turkey such as;
- Singing not only for fun but also for social responsibility.
- Celebrating & Memorizing all special days with group songs in Turkey & The World
- Featuring on Smule Pick playlists for several times
- Participating in competitions.
Smule Anatolians currently has 37 members from 10 different cities in Turkey. also from England, Germany, and Denmark.
You can find 84 fantastic group performances in their profile: smule.com/SmuleAnatolians
There are 2 subgroups and dedicated 4 hashtags;
- Anatolian Girls recordings hashtagged with #AnatolianGirls
- Smule Anatolians Gentlemen recordings hashtagged with #SAGentlemen
- Birthday songs hashtagged as #AnatoliansBdays
- Global hashtag for all member recordings #SmuleAnatolians
@MsSparkle (smule.com/MsSparkle)
@__Rainman__ (smule.com/__Rainman__)
@MsSparkle (Işıl) is 21 years old and studying at university.
@__Rainman__ (Mustafa) is 32 years old, graduate of law, working as deputy director.
“We could not imagine how Smule Anatolians would be this successful when we decided to found it. It was all friendship in the beginning and now it hasn’t changed much. We are just a bigger one than the first day it was! We are proud of Smule Anatolians family for their passion to music and great talent they have. We became a huge family in years and our friendships will last lifetime long. We will work harder to make Smule Anatolians more successful in the future. Thanks to Smule for featuring our family and creating this beautiful community.” – @MsSparkle (smule.com/MsSparkle) & @__Rainman__ (smule.com/__Rainman__)
Smule Anatolians had 21 meet-ups in 4 different cities (İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Balıkesir)
Photos of some of them;
10/23/2016 Istanbul/Turkey
“I was so excited that I met different people from different cities fort he first time but it seemed like my family. Still can’t believe I’ve found my soul mates through an app!” – @yayamaspyensess (smule.com/yayamaspyensess)
01/21/2017 Ankara/Turkey
“It was like a dream to meet people who share same feelings with me. They are my second family now and I love them all. We had splendid time with Smule Anatolians family. Already excited for the next meet up! Thanks to Smule!” – @fulltimemother (smule.com/fulltimemother)
02/18/2017 Istanbul/Turkey
“Smule Anatolians is not only a community. Before each meet up, we get excited more, during each one, we get attached deeper and after each one we desire for the next one stronger. We are a family.” – @ilkerh (smule.com/ilkerh)
03/18/2017 Ankara/Turkey
“It was one of the best days of my life. I felt like I had known those guys for years. At the end of the day it was like waking up from a dream that I never wish to end. I am so lucky to have them in my life.” – @ErayYy (smule.com/ErayYy)
05/06/2017 Istanbul/Turkey
“I’ve been in Smule Anatolians meet-ups in two different cities and I cherished every moment we got to be together. It felt like meeting up with family” –@_cemscloud_ (smule.com/_cemscloud_)
3rd Anniversary Celebration Group Song – We Are The World
O Benim Dünyam – I Need A Hero Turkish version
Meet-Up Jam “Yanarım” Turkish Song
Stunning Seasons of Love performance
Follow & Contact
Instagram: instagram.com/SmuleAnatolians
Facebook: FB.com/SmuleAnatolians
YouTube: tinyurl.com/SmuleAnatoliansYT