Musical Theater with @Iam_laura
To celebrate and find on our talented community, we decided to take it to the ones who knows it best. The community! Each month we will have a user to curate and feature stars, talent and overall passionate singers and entertainers. Introducing Monthly User Picks Playlist!
How does it work?
Each month we take a user who excels in a category (Jazz, CosPlay, acoustic, instrumentals, accapella etc) and leave it to them to operate a playlist on our explore screen in the Sing! App.
We will be announcing the personality a week before the new month and the playlist has started so feel free to reach out to that personality if you have related performances you think deserved to be featured. It’s up to the personality on how often the playlist will be changed. We are expecting it to be rotated 2-4 times/month.
Categories examples can be acoustic, musician, cos-play, Jazz, etc.
For the month of June, we are featuring @Iam_laura!
Laura is recognized for her amazing musical theater talents. She has created groups on Sing! to bring in other people who hold an interest in musical theater. She met her husband 4 years ago on Sing in her group, Melodics. Over the course of her college life, she has been in over 40 musicals while getting her degree in non-profit management. She is also very passionate about economic development through arts and communities!
Want to be featured? Hashtag #LauraLovesMusicals on Smule!
Smule: https://www.smule.com/iam_laura
Know someone who excels in a category/theme/genre?
E-mail us at Community@smule.com