
HomeNew Style Studio Features: Lyric Animations & Style Magic

New Style Studio Features: Lyric Animations & Style Magic

We’re always looking for ways to enhance your creativity and make your singing experience even more magical. That’s why we’re excited to announce new updates to Style Studio that are sure to bring your creative visions to life!

Get ready to open the door to a world of boundless creativity with Lyric Animations and Style Magic, and embrace the freedom to experiment, customize, and refine your styles like never before.

Let’s dive into the new Style Studio features!

Lyric Animations
Unleash your imagination and inner artist as you craft your own lyric animation styles to save and record with in Smule.

Here’s what you can expect:

Backgrounds: We’ve added some of your favorite Smule backgrounds to Style Studio, including sunburst, electric dreams, prism waves, and more!  You can now make adjustments to the characteristics such as color, positioning, and radial blur gradient. Lyric Styles: Bring your lyrics to life by experimenting with a wide array of text positions, fonts, sizes, and animations. Make your lyrics pop with visually stunning animations that reflect the mood of your music and creative preferences.

Background FX: These effects are designed to enhance the visual appeal and depth behind the lyrics. You have the option to choose up to eight effects. The order in which you select them will determine their timing and impact on the lyrics, allowing you to craft a truly unique and engaging visual experience.

Foreground FX: These dynamic visual effects appear in front of the text and apply directly to the lyrics, adding an extra layer of magic and resulting in a captivating visual spectacle.

Watch the tutorial for an in-depth guide on creating your own lyric animations!

Style Magic

Let your imagination run wild with the ability to adjust and modify any style parameter. With complete control over customization, you’re able to create lyric and video styles that are truly one-of-a-kind and reflective of your personalized aesthetic and unique singing style.

Here’s what you can expect when the magic wand is applied:

Customize animations: Add dimension through the ability to animate waveforms, positioning, lyrics, gradients, and more. Start producing animations that captivate, stand out, and immerse audiences.

Enable beat syncing: Effortlessly synchronize animations with the rhythm of your favorite song, or at precise intervals based on beat/time or song segments, such as the intro, chorus, and bridge.

Seamless integration: Complements the existing features of Style Studio, allowing you the ability to add individualized enhancements and edits to your favorite styles.

Watch the tutorial to explore the latest Style Magic feature!

From subtle tweaks to bold transformations, the possibilities to imagine and create with Style Studio are endless. Save your design, then sing with it in Smule. Share your lyric animations using #CreateWithStyle for a chance to be featured! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Have questions or feedback? We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to email our dedicated Support Team at:

Unfamiliar with the Style Studio app? Discover how the Smule companion app allows you to create Styles to record with in Smule!