
FeaturedSmule Presents: Marie Iver

Smule Presents: Marie Iver

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Smule Presents: Marie Iver

Last year we ran a program called Smule Presents for a year – where we highlighted our talented users through music videos to showcase our users in their creative light alongside working with the Smule Studio production team led by Alyce Tzue. You can find those videos here. During one of the last videos we presented, we flew her on alongside with 3 others around the globe to sing a mashup of two songs. You can find the video here (it’s pretty amazing.) This was a mash-up of “One Call Away” and “Love Yourself.” Over the new couple months, we will post all of the four individual videos we made while they were here (so maybe, more mini- Smule Presents)!
You can find their experience on Smule Presents here!
Second up: Maddy (stage name Marie) who has been singing most of her life. Read more about her below! 🙂
1) Why did you pick the song you sang? 
I chose to do West Coast by Lana Del Rey for this project because she’s one of my favorite artists and I love her work. Her music is entrancing, electric, sexy and unlike anything out there right now in my opinion so I tried to honor that as best as I could.
2) What challenges do you see as an upcoming artist? 
The music business is so fickle nowadays. You never really know what’s going to get people’s attention. Plus there’s a million other talented young artists who have the exact same goals as me which can be intimidating, so it was really rewarding and encouraging to be recognized by Smule in such an exclusive way. I got the chance to do what I love most with great people and hopefully it will help me continue to make my voice heard and achieve my goals as a musician.
3) What is your favorite kind of style to sing? 
Personally I like to veer away from choosing a specific “kind” of music to focus on. I grew up listening to classic rock, I love blues, folk, jazz, R&B, and really anything I can get my hands on (or voice on, more accurately) and I’m lucky in that way because having a wide range of interests shapes you into a more versatile artist.
4) What are your musical goals? 
As far as goals for myself and my musical career go, I don’t plan on backing down until I become one of the greats to be frank. Music is my life, my focus and my favorite parts of myself revolve around it so all I can really say is that I expect big things from myself and I’m not going to stop until the rest of the world does too. I hope that doesn’t sound pretentious, it’s just the truth!
5) Where can people follow you? 
If you want to see and hear more of what I’m working on, feel free to follow my Instagram: username @marie_iver (my stage name). Thanks!