Tuesday Tips: Songwriting & Writers Block
Tuesday Tips is part of our Smule Inspire program. Through shared performances, tips, guest blog posts by veteran users, we hope that Smule Inspire will do just as its name implies: inspire all users in the community – to connect, collaborate, and create music together … ultimately to have the best experience possible on Smule.
After creating open calls, solos and group videos, it’s common to start thinking of creative ways to express your self. it’s common for many to start tapping into songwriting – sounds easier than it actually is. There is a-lot to think about: lyrics, chords, melody, chores. Our inspire team has some creative tips on how to start songwriting and get over writers block!
“Writer’s block is all too common and you’re not alone 🙂 for me, if something isn’t coming it’s best not to force it. Ideas can tend to come from the weirdest places, a phrase you hear while listening to talk radio, an advertisement, etc. I draw from my own experiences, write out the situation on a piece of paper and try to boil it down to a core idea, then write around that idea. Sometimes I’ll be playing one guitar, be stuck, then pick up a different guitar which has a slightly different tone, and boom, a song idea! The lesson is sometimes it pays to break up the routine, create new paths for ideas to flow ☺️” – JeffreyAKG_TV
“Like Jeffrey said, it’s best not to force it. For me, ideas flow when they want to and it’s best for me to try and capture that moment in a Voice note or jotting down a lyric that comes to mind. Also, if you’re stuck don’t be afraid to share with a friend, you never know they just might have an idea you didn’t think of! Some of my favorite songs I have written were collaborative efforts!” –Shane_TV
“I write my own music and what I do when I’m struggling to start composing music is I will find a chord that I really like or that speaks to me and then from there I find another chord and just keep progressing. When it comes to lyrics I find a theme and stick with it. Often when I’m composing music I listen to how the music I’m playing is making me feel and that usually evolves into lyrics.” –Sarah_TV
“For me actual composition of the track ALWAYS comes first. I can’t write lyrics without having a feeling, which is usually brought by an instrumental. If I experience writers block, I’m done w/ that session. As said before I don’t want to force a song, and end up w/ a sub par track because I ‘had to finish this.’ ” –xYego
“First thing i do when i create music is find things thats inspire you, from there you’ll have an ideas what kind of music you’ll create, after that i’ll play around with my guitar and lay down basic chords for the verse-bridge-chorus, my friend Iam Blackwaters also told me to always find your song’s hook, its a catchy combination of lyrics, melody & rhythm that will stick in your mind.” –WeezerDen
Every time I have tried to push through writers block and just come up with something that fits I have ended up hating it the next day and scrapping the idea. So when you hit this wall and everybody does, take it as a sign that you need a break. You will be amazed how much easier it will seem in 24 hours. I hope this helped.
Best of luck!” – Dearhead