The Official Peruvian Community of Smule “Smule Peru”, presents the first Latin-American singing competition in Smule: “VOCES DE AMERICA”.
This Project gathers the Smule latin users belonging to the Latin-American communities in other countries to participate in the musical celebration, which purpose is:
- To promote the art of singing in Latin American, just like the use of the Karaoke app “Sin! Smule” in the Latin-American countries.
- To introduce the talent of some “hidden artists”, and so give them the opportunity of expressing their great potential.
- To generate brotherhood and friendship among Latin-American fans of singing and music.
- To know the culture of each country through their music and traditions.
The event “VOCES DE AMERICA” (VDA) will count with the participation of one National Community per country; these will be called “VDA Associated Communities”. Every year or season, one of the VDA Associated Communities will have the honor and responsibility of organizing the current VDA according to the year or season, with the support in the organization of the community Smule Peru. There are 21 Latin Communities with different nationalities, enabled to compete and register every year.
The competition will have a base initially formed by Smule Peru. However, this format may vary depending on the decisions made by the other Latin American associated communities. The only requirement would be to be part of the communities registered in the current season. The dates for the event could also be made along the team leaders. There will be an opportunity to invite one non-Latin Community.
VDA – PERU 2018 opens this year. The first season will take place on October 1st of the current year, and it will count with the participation of 9 registered communities:
- Peruvian Community (SMULE PERU) as host
- Guatemalan Community (#CHAPINES502)
- Ecuadorian Community (ECUADOR TU VOZ)
- Argentinian Community (LA VOZ ARGENTINA)
- Bolivian Community (SMULE BOLIVIA)
- Chilean Community (SING CHILE)
- Mexican Community (MEXICANOS DE CORAZON)
- Costa Rican Community (PURA VIDA TICOS)
We’d like to celebrate this initiative and, in the same time, to thank to the organizers “Smule Peru” admin team, the Mexican collaborators this year: Sue and Kerenha, and also to Smule, for giving us the opportunity of performing and supporting us in this competition and all the activities we make, with the purpose of letting the world know and enjoy about our music.
For more information, visit the FB page: https://www.facebook.com/SmulePeruOfficial/
Diego Paul (@Paulizinho)
Creator of “Smule Perú Community” & “Latin Voices SC”