Latin Voices Smule Community is more than a simple group; it is a large family that encompasses not only Latino and Hispanic people, but also Smule users around the world of all ages, this is because we have been developing subgroups during these two years and a little more than four months approximately.
Latin Voices was created by Sing! User: Diego (@Paulizinho) with Arizbel the 5th of February 2015. We have a solid, creative, innovative and dynamic organization and a staff of vocal trainers who help every day in making this community grow. We always have fun with singing events in Smule, and we share knowledge with everyone. The most important part is that we try our best to make them feel happy and we administer unity as of that of a family.
The great Administration is composed of the following:
Founder: Diego (@Paulizinho), Co-Founder: Juaner (@JuanerLaRiva), Co-Founder: Kerenha (@Kerenha), Leaders: Yuleny (@ LV_YulyFlores1), Helard (@HelardBejarano), Magdy (@ magdy78), Cristhy @_CS_Cris_LV _SMx_), Laura (@LV_Arual), Gloria (@canchitalinda), Roberta (@TUSC_Roby), Alejandro (@SLG_Alejandro_LV), Javier (@ Javierluis_19), Talita (@talita_naf_LV).
Latin Voices has the following subgroups available:
- LATIN VOICES (SMULE FAMILY): Latin / Hispanic Smule Family.
- LATIN VOICES (BRAZIL): Brazilian Smule Family.
- LOVE OF MUSIC (LV ENGLISH): English Group.
Each subgroup is segmented by language and we create music events in Smule like group songs, musical challenges, and other activities.
In the midst of all these activities, Latin Voices has also hosted singing competitions in Smule that brought together Latin, Hispanic, Indonesian, American and other ethnicities worldwide to discover the talent of other users from this excellent karaoke app.
The competitions that we have created and developed are:
- The Vocal Games (#TVG)
- The Choosen of Smule (#TCOS)
- Latin Voices Smule Festival (#LVSF)
- Sing Rio 2016 (# SR16)
- Smule World Championship (#SWC)
- The X Factor Latino (#TXF)
- Smule Grand Prix (#SGPriX)
Latin Voices has an official Smule account: (@_LatinVoices_), where we always open Auditions from different subgroups for the people who want to join the family. That or they can find auditions from the Smule accounts of the administrators. We also have an official fan page on Facebook where we post events related to the music and with Smule to our members and followers. In addition, we also upload group song videos that we have prepared in our YouTube channel (Latin Voices).
This community has also supported similar ones such as the new community of Peruvian Singers in Smule: “Smule Peru” and Mexican Singers “Smule Mexico”, and will continue supporting other groups that are soon to develop.
Latin Voices Smule Community will continue to grow and develop the community so new users can realize that “Sing!” is not a simple Karaoke App, it means much more, it means “Family”, it means enjoying and making friends around the world and having fun singing with them whether it be duet songs, group songs, fun musical challenges or even in birthday songs.
If you want more information about this community, send us a message on our Smule account: ( or find us on Facebook as @ Latin.Voices.Official (https: //www.facebook. Com / Latin.Voices.Official) do send us a message if you are interested in joining this community of singers in Smule.
Let’s enjoy singing together as a family!
Diego – @Paulizinho
(Founder & Creator of Latin Voices Smule Community)