Smule Meet Ups
Smule Meet Ups (February – March)
*Remember to send in your photos to get featured*
L_A_G // LAG – Love Accoustic Group
“We thank Smule that we found us on your App. We are people from all around Germany and we love to sing together. This Meet-Up was our first and it was not the last one. LAG is become to a little big family for all of us and we hope that we can share our passion for music with all of you.” – Luca
“We were going to go to the bar for karaoke but plans changed and we stayed in to smule together instead. It was a very fun, casual night. We laughed a lot and sang a lot.” – Kate
“There were no awkward/dull moments. We didn’t skip a beat. It was like meeting up with family.” – Word Chris
“It felt like we’ve known each other for forever! It was a great experience!” – Drea
“No one will ever truly understand the connection we have. When we are together there is a presence and power that fills the room. It was undeniably one of the greatest experiences I’ve had.” – Ivy
—- More on Meet Ups —-
Want to host a meet up? Click here!
Had a meet up? Want to share your experience? Email us at community@smule.com