Smule Spotlight: _Sean
Hello! 🎶😮🎶
I’m Sean, and I live in San Antonio, TX. I am 76 years old, but I workout constantly and use a lot of moisturizer on my face. When I grow up I want to be a teacher.
I’m actually not 76, but the teacher thing is true. I am a senior at the U. of Texas at San Antonio, and will graduate with a degree in Political Science with a minor in Philosophy.
As far as hobbies, I’m a total bookworm. My favorite book is “A Short History of Nearly Everything” by Bill Bryson. I also love college football, every single documentary ever narrated by David Attenborough, internet “comments” sections, the car racing game on my Iphone, R2-D2, baking inedible runny red velvet cake with my little boy, and going to see my girlfriend’s (@linseyphillips) dad’s band (The Secret Service) play at the Ocean Drive in New Jersey.
What makes you excited to Sing?
I am a member of the best Smule singing group ever, Sing Republic. We have such a diverse, ridiculously talented group of people that I’m constantly inspired to improve as a singer and to try new styles and genres.
Who influences you the most?
It sounds cheesy, but my friends in Sing Republic influence me both musically and as a human being in general. There are just over forty of us, and we live all over the globe, from Lincoln, Nebraska to Canada to Holland to Ranchero Cucumber, California or whatever you call that place where Kat lives.
These folks are some of my dearest friends. Friends who make me laugh every morning online as well as when we are able to get together in person. Friends who were there for me late into the night when my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer last winter. Friends who were there to listen again when he passed away in June. They inspire me. More than they know probably.
Share a personal fact no one would ever guess about you.
I have a paternal uncle who was one of the original guitarists for the band Kansas, but he was kicked out well before they became famous. (I’m completely serious.)
Can you share one quote or saying you love, that keeps you going in life?
🎶😮🎶Sing Loud & Proud!🎶😮🎶
If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
That’s easy. Cookies!