Smule Spotlight: _SarahWilks_
_SarahWilks_ is a long time singer on the Smule app who is part of many amazing groups: #OMG #Music1st #SoulFireArtist #Dejavu #TheChosen #Swingers! Her performances are incredible, and if you are looking for performances with passion, Sarah is the person to lurk. 😉
Username and real name (if you want):
My sing name is @_SarahWilks_ and my real life name is Sarah Wilkinson
Favorite Performance:
So so soooo many performances to chose from. I am surrounded by such amazing singers, many of which I can call my friends who I adore to sing with but one performance that springs to mind is a song that i joined @Ali_M1 on. She always amazes me and when I heard her open call for this song she just blew me away.
Fun Fact about you:
Eeep this question is a toughie haha When I was younger I had a speech impediment which with speech therapy I over came it but I can still get tongue tied and stutter a little bit if flustered lol but when I sing I know the the words will come out effortlessly….Ok so not much of a fun fact haha erm I love LOTR and stood outside all day in Leicester Square, London outside the premier of The Return of the King to get Viggo Mortensen’s (Aragorn) autograph which I got….result!!!
What makes you excited to Sing:
Hmmmm well I sing all the time wherever I may be and my coworkers would probably say too much hehe I just truly love to sing! On the app it’s exciting singing songs I wouldn’t of normally of thought to sing and when I joined Smule I realized I could harmonize which just makes the whole experience more fun. The ultimate though is when singing live the buzz you get when performing is just amazing.
Also to the groups I am in thank you for allowing me to be apart of your family you all make singing so much more exciting #OMG #Music1st #SoulFireArtist #Dejavu #TheChosen #Swingers I love to meet people with a passion for singing.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
I can’t think of just one so many people inspire me. My mum is my no 1 fan haha and always encourages me to sing. There are fellow smulers that absolutely amaze me with their voices and then there’s music legends like Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Stevie Nicks & many more that keep me doing what I love to do and that is singing my heart out.
If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
Well I want to travel the world so it would be cool if I had the power to teleport. The thought of being able to transport to a nice tropical island after a hard day of working sounds divine to me.