Tuesday Tips: How to develop a style that sets you apart

From a user:
“I follow almost everyone who is part of the Smule inspire group. You all are incredible and have such unique sounds. How do you develop a style and sound that sets you all a part? Did it come naturally or do some of you put on a voice that sounds good and is unique to you? I try to imitate the artist in which I’m covering, so I always end up sounding different in all of my OC’s. But with you guys I could pick all of your voice out of a crowd.
Thank you.” – Anonymous
Thank you.” – Anonymous
From the Inspire Team:
“I’ll be of no help here as I mimic a lot
😩” – Mike (–> not true, but we will post for comedy use 😛 )

“First off, thank you!
😄 that means a lot to myself and I think I can speak for others here that it means the same to them
🙏🏻 Style is interesting. I think you will see throughout music history that there is a lineage of influences, artists who adapt certain aspects of past performers and incorporate it into their style. One example I heard on the radio recently was The Weekend on “Starboy”. His grunts and exclamations are reminiscent of Michael Jackson. By saying this I want to point out that sometimes imitation can help you find aspects of your style you want to expand on. My style, at least in songwriting, was influenced by Ed Sheeran, and vocally a little as well. You will find your voice naturally, and you will find aspects of your idols will tend to sneak in
☺ try writing a song and record yourself, because no one else has ever sung it and you won’t be trying to sound like anyone else. You will start to hear what makes your voice unique
🎉 ” – Jeffrey Graham

“It’s kind of difficult for someone else to tell you how to find your own sound. It’s unique and has to happen organically from you. I would say try singing a song that you don’t know very well from an artist that you don’t typically sing and then do the acoustic version of that song. You will find your natural go to voice quicker that way. Or if you’ve got it in you and you want to write your own song try to do that, but if you write in someone else’s style you’ll end up singing like them. I’ve written songs and without even realizing I’m doing it in another artist style melody wise and then I end up catering the vocal lyrics to that same style so it doesn’t always come through to show your natural sound. Bottom line it will come naturally after a while keep doing what you’re doing. Like I mentioned sing songs that you don’t know very well from people you don’t normally imitate and you will find your voice. And thank you for the compliments.

Sidenote.. I didn’t even know I had my own quote on quote ‘sound/style’ until someone told me. lol” – Marco Cee
“Even if i would like to sing like Whitney Houston – it’s not me. So i don’t try to imitate someone & i’m just me – sometimes better, sometimes worse.
I perfer to harmonize actually than singing lead, because i sang 26 years in a choir soprano. So, pop songs are mostly too deep for my voice & i sing how i want, even it’s not 100% like original.
And the fantastic thing about Smule is, that i can sing wherever i want, even while driving ski, like the day before. So it’s not only about singing, also about having fun to create an unique video
✨” – Nadine Petitat
I perfer to harmonize actually than singing lead, because i sang 26 years in a choir soprano. So, pop songs are mostly too deep for my voice & i sing how i want, even it’s not 100% like original.
And the fantastic thing about Smule is, that i can sing wherever i want, even while driving ski, like the day before. So it’s not only about singing, also about having fun to create an unique video

“Thanks for your nice words.
❤Means a lot to me. I’ve always gravitated to R&B, hip hop since I grew up in that era, especially since my parents played a lot of disco, R&B, funk in our house when growing up. Thus, I think my style stems from those roots. But since being on Smule, I’ve been able to sing songs in a lot of other genres which I never sang before. So, Smule has opened many doors for me.
As far as my style, I don’t really think I have a “style” of singing who I compare to. All I do really is listen to myself and sing the song the way I hear it in my head. There are many things I wish I could do with my voice, but I’ve learned over time that there are things I can do with my voice that others cannot do as well, so I’ve accepted that as long as I sing from my heart and do my best with the voice I have, others will appreciate it.
I say don’t try to be something you’re not. Your own style will come with listening and practice. It may take time but it’s there within you.
Thank you again for the awesome compliments. We here at SmuleInspire are truly humbled.”– Aileen Adamos

As far as my style, I don’t really think I have a “style” of singing who I compare to. All I do really is listen to myself and sing the song the way I hear it in my head. There are many things I wish I could do with my voice, but I’ve learned over time that there are things I can do with my voice that others cannot do as well, so I’ve accepted that as long as I sing from my heart and do my best with the voice I have, others will appreciate it.
I say don’t try to be something you’re not. Your own style will come with listening and practice. It may take time but it’s there within you.
Thank you again for the awesome compliments. We here at SmuleInspire are truly humbled.”– Aileen Adamos
“Some of my vocal style related to the music i love and grew up with. I find that i have little vocal inflections that have become habits and when I listen to the original music I can see that ive pulled it from some of my favorite artists. It has now become second nature to me and often i don’t even realize im doing these little things that make my voice different or distinctive. A lot of my vocal character is just muscle memory.” – Sarah Cleary
“Everyone is influenced by someone vocally, But your natural tone might not be the same. I personally use influences and gain my originality by knowing my voice and the range and its limits but also attempting their vocals in my way. When opening up songs I normally sing the song once the way the artist intended. The next time I’ll sing it but take some artistic liberties to make it my own. A lot of vocal originality can come from connecting with the music. Every song can emote something you just got to put that in your voice.” – Word Chris
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