EAST BAY MEETUP!!! As you can see in the picture, we had a rocking good time at the East Bay Meetup. Even the KJ (guy in the green hat) was loving the Smule party. Needless to say,
Smackathon Project – Sing! Meetups Group Map
Spawning off a little last minute inspiration from the Smule community, team “Also-Awesome” hacked together a way for people in the Sing! Meetups Group to place themselves on a
Smackathon Project – Drum Circle
Team Needsmorecoffee was made up of Joel, Jessica and Anthony. Our Smackathon project was “JamCircle”, a multiplayer, asynchronous drum circle app. The Idea – Jam
Smule Pulse
Smule Pulse The winner in “Best use of Smule data” category of Smackaton 2013 is… team “Chereshka”. We are Asen, Georgi and Svilen. We are the Bulgarian server team in Sm
It’s day 2 and projects are coming to life!
It’s day 2 and projects are coming to life! Chuck has been multitasking on the user interface for Boots N’ Cats, PLUS Sing! Rumors surrounding his use of a PETH (performance en
Smackathon, day one. Mood, awesome.
Smackathon, day one. Mood, awesome. The theme, waves, was announced at 5PM today. Immediately after, everyone broke into groups and stormed some brains. Last minute dinner orders w
LeVar Burton in the house!
LeVar Burton in the house! Smule was treated to a special visit today. LeVar Burton, who helped so many of us learn to read and develop a love of sci-fi, spent the day filming a ve
COMMUNITY MEETUP IN NYC Last Wednesday, August 7th, I travelled to NYC to help facilitate a grand gathering of Smule community members from across the globe (pictures above provide
Thank you, Glee.
Thank you, Glee. It’s a bittersweet day at Smule. We are announcing that the Glee Karaoke app will be going offline on August 31st. When we first launched Glee Karaoke in April 2
Dr. Ge Wang
Today, Ge Wang has decided to step down as Smule’s Chief Creative in order to focus his time and attention this next year on his research and teaching at Stanford. He will contin
Things I Learned Growing Alongside Smule
Boy, does time fly… My three year anniversary at Smule is quickly approaching! I started at Smule right after college, and both Smule and I have grown a lot since then. From
Smule Product Architect Nick Kruge featured in AppDevStories
Learn more about what inspired Nick to develop our latest app, Guitar!, how he created it, and who he admires in the app world. Also, see his adorable canine Zaxby! 🙂 http://www
SLSQ Chamber Music Workshop
Stephanie Lai, user acquisition lead @ Smule + professional cellist, will be playing Schubert’s Piano Trio in B Flat Major in a series of concerts over the next week at Stanford:
Earth Conscious Workshop at Smule
At Smule, we organize a brown bag lunch/seminar every month to enrich and enhance our collective awesomeness. Sometimes we have team members share their unique talents and other ti
New Network Traffic Record
With the huge successful launch of Guitar! and the ongoing Sing! growth, our network traffic broke a new record this weekend. We peaked at serving 1.5Gbps (Gigabit per second) thro
Meet Luna, a Smule Engineering cat.
No blog is complete without cat pictures. So I would like to introduce my cat Luna. Originally from Santa Cruz, she has lived in San Francisco’s bustling high-tech
Mobile Design Strategy – Luke Wroblewski
This presentation will make you think differently when designing for mobile.
Prototyping tools and descriptions
Just found this useful Google Doc which describes different prototyping tools/cost/platform. https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pOa2Uqiakxlry5hNuZm89Eg&output=html&wid
Rapid prototyping rules from Google Glass.
Rapid prototyping rules from Google Glass. Push yourself to expansive learning. Rule #1. Find the quickest path to the experience Rule #2. Doing is the best kind of thinking Rule
Tips for Subclassing UIViews
Sometimes I long for the day when I get to create an iOS app that just uses Apple’s default interface element. Of course, this doesn’t last long, because using and abus